Monday, July 15, 2024

2024 Iowa DNR: initial upland game species listening surveys yield positive results

"We heard more pheasants and quail than we have since 2014--all the years we've been doing the survey,"

While impacts of recent floods and heavy rainfall have yet to be seen, initial surveys point towards a healthy population of quail and pheasant in southwest Iowa.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources recently wrapped up its listening surveys, which help indicate an initial bird population from spring quail whistle counts and rooster crow counts for pheasants and some grass and songbirds. Matt Dollison is a wildlife biologist with the Iowa DNR. Speaking on the latest "Outdoors in KMAland" segment, Dollison says that, at least in the immediate area, the surveys showed the population remaining strong following the winter.

"We heard more pheasants and quail than we have since 2014--all the years we've been doing the survey," said Dollison. "So, obviously it looks like a lot of birds survived the winter, which is good news. Now, it's all about nesting and how successful that is, which is really what drives the population."

A second round of listening sessions wrapped up near the beginning of July. Dollison says the listening survey is conducted through "point counts."

Read the full KMAland article

Friday, July 12, 2024

SD Commission dismisses calls to reinstate annual pheasant count


State ended prior method over concern that poor numbers would deter out-of-state hunters

State wildlife officials are not bringing back a popular method of estimating South Dakota’s pheasant population, despite requests from the public to do so.

South Dakota is one of the top states for pheasant hunting in the nation, with millions of birds and millions of dollars in economic impact from the hunters that flock to the state each fall. 

When the Department of Game, Fish and Parks recently released the draft of its new pheasant management plan for 2024 to 2028, the end of the document said that “by 2028,” the department planned to “improve existing population monitoring programs to develop survey methods to inform biologists on population status, reproductive success, and relative densities of pheasant populations.”

After reading that draft plan, some people wrote in to tell the department that the way to improve population monitoring programs is to reinstate the old method — commonly called the “brood count.”

“I continue to be amazed and disgusted that GFP no longer conducts the summer brood count survey,” John McDermott wrote in a comment to the department.

“Reinstate the statewide pheasant annual brood survey,” Larry Fredrickson wrote.

“Bring back the brood survey,” Mark Schaefer wrote.

In response, the department deleted the language in the draft plan that sparked the comments.

GF&P Senior Upland Game Biologist Alex Solem told the GF&P Commission on Friday that the change to the plan came “after just some kind of public comments and that sort of stuff.” The commission unanimously approved the new version of the plan, without the language calling for improved population monitoring programs.

The state started the brood count as early as 1960 and ended it in 2019, citing concerns at the time that reports of lower pheasant numbers ahead of the hunting season deterred out-of-state hunters from traveling to South Dakota. 

The department explained the rationale for ending the count in a Pheasant Hunting Marketing Workgroup and Plan. It said ending the count would “ensure that South Dakota is not unintentionally deterring hunters from coming to our state based on the media headlines reporting of low bird numbers.” 

Read the full SD Searchlight article



North Dakota 2024 spring pheasant crowing counts increase 37% statewide

The number of roosters heard crowing during the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s 2024 spring pheasant crowing count survey was up 37% statewide from last year.

“This is really good news but expected, considering we had such great production last year and the mild winter we had certainly wasn’t hard on birds,” said RJ Gross, Department upland game management biologist.

The primary regions holding pheasants showed 28.8 crows per stop in the southwest, up from 19.5 in 2023; 21.5 crows per stop in the northwest, up from 16.6; and 16 crows per stop in the southeast, up from 12.8. The count in the northeast, which is not a primary region for pheasants, was 5 crows per stop, up from 3.3 last year.

Barring untimely heavy rains, cool weather or hail, Gross expects more good news as the peak of the pheasant hatch is upon us.

“The residual cover this year was great … with timely rains, the habitat for nesting looks great,” Gross said. “We should be setting up for a good fall.”

Pheasant crowing counts are conducted each spring throughout North Dakota. Observers drive specified 20-mile routes, stopping at predetermined intervals, and counting the number of pheasant roosters heard crowing over a 2-minute period.

The number of pheasant crows heard are compared to previous years’ data, providing a trend summary.

Read the Full ND GF article

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hiring - Quail Research and Management Technician


We are hiring a Quail Research and Management Technician to assist ongoing efforts on the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch, located in Fisher, Co Texas.  Job responsibilities will include major efforts in radio telemetry, quail trapping, call count surveys, raptor ID, small mammal trapping, use of tractor and implements, and more.  You will receive exposure to a wide variety of data collection techniques, learn to use farm equipment, and gain hands-on experience in habitat management.

In March 2007, the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation was granted its own 501(c)(3) nonprofit status as a charitable organization and the deed to our Research Ranch was transferred to the Foundation later that year. Operations began in early 2008, and from that time RPQRF has invested tens of thousands of hours, millions of dollars, and so much more into research, education, and outreach for wild quail both on and off the Research Ranch. 

Our Research Ranch is 4800 acres of quail habitat representative of millions of acres in the Rolling Plains. It is the living laboratory in which we collect data, manage habitat, and monitor a multitude of ecological relationships. We collect data on bobwhite and scaled quail abundance, survival, reproduction, and movement; small mammal abundance; mesocarnivores; and many quail predators. Our ongoing habitat management activities include planting of food plots, invasive species control, prescribed fire, brush sculpting, and soil disturbance.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Aberden South Dakota Day One 2023



It was decent weather for the start of our 2023 South Dakota Pheasant Hunting trip.  45 degrees and not too much wind.  We hunted all new spots today.  Val got the first spot and got one hen point in her hour run.  The area looked good but just didn't produce.  

Tasha got the call for the 2nd spot.  This one looked better as it had a freshly picked corn field next to it.  We started with 2 hen points in the grass and then she had a nice point along some cattails and we were able to harvest the bird.  She did a nice job on the retrieve as most of the shot had hit one of the wings.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

MI DNR expands pheasant release program for 2023 upland bird hunting season

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ highly anticipated pheasant release program is expanding for the upcoming pheasant hunting season. This year, the program will include:

  • Three times more rooster pheasants released than last year.
  • Four new release sites in Cass City, Crane Pond, Dansville and Stanton state game areas.
  • Additional releases in December on state game areas with an open pheasant hunting season.

This strategic expansion ensures a greater distribution of released pheasants and gives hunters even more options to explore Michigan's diverse landscapes.

“For seasoned hunters and newcomers alike, this is a prime opportunity for everyone to experience the thrill of pheasant hunting. We’re excited to expand the pheasant release program and offer hunters a unique chance to connect or reconnect with upland bird hunting in Michigan,” said Adam Bump, DNR upland game bird specialist. “The increased number of rooster pheasants and the addition of new release locations ensure that hunters can enjoy a memorable hunting season.”

The rooster-only pheasant releases will occur Oct. 20 to Nov. 14, coinciding with the pheasant hunting season. All release sites that have an open December pheasant hunting season will have an additional pheasant release in December.

This year, pheasants will be released on 13 state game/wildlife areas throughout southern Michigan:

  1. Cass City (Tuscola County) – fall and December release.
  2. Cornish (Van Buren County) – fall release only.
  3. Crane Pond (Cass County) – fall release only.
  4. Crow Island (Bay and Saginaw counties) – fall and December release.
  5. Dansville (Ingham County) – fall and December release.
  6. Erie (Monroe County) – fall and December release.
  7. Lapeer (Lapeer County) – fall and December release.
  8. Leidy Lake (St. Joseph County) – fall and December release.
  9. Pinconning (Bay County) – fall release only.
  10. Pointe Mouillee (Monroe and Wayne counties) – fall and December release.
  11. Rose Lake (Clinton and Shiawassee counties) – fall and December release.
  12. Stanton (Montcalm County) – fall and December release.
  13. St. Johns Marsh (St. Clair County) – fall and December release.

Read the full MI DNR posting

Thursday, July 20, 2023

ND 2023 Pheasant Crowing Counts Up 30% Statewide

The number of roosters heard crowing during the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s 2023 spring pheasant crowing count survey was up 30% statewide from last year. 

“We documented increased production for most of the state during 2022 brood routes compared to the last couple years, and we also confirmed high reproduction rates while aging hunter-submitted pheasant wings,” said R.J. Gross, department upland game management biologist. “So, the increase in pheasant density comes as no surprise despite the high snowfall this past winter.”

The primary regions holding pheasants showed 19.5 crows per stop in the southwest, up from 14.1 in 2022; 16.6 crows per stop in the northwest, up from 13.7; and 12.8 crows per stop in the southeast, up from 9.7. The count in the northeast, which is not a primary region for pheasants, was 3.3 crows per stop, up from 3.0 last year. 

“Current conditions are excellent across the state with adequate moisture this spring and early summer. These conditions should foster insect hatches, which would provide forage to chicks for brood rearing,” Gross said. “Pheasant chicks hatch from early June through late July. Much of nesting success will depend on the weather, and we will more accurately assess pheasant production during our late summer roadside counts, which begin at the end of July.”

Pheasant crowing counts are conducted each spring throughout North Dakota. Observers drive specified 20-mile routes, stopping at predetermined intervals, and counting the number of pheasant roosters heard crowing over a 2-minute period.

The number of pheasant crows heard are compared to previous years’ data, providing a trend summary.

ND State Game and fish Report  

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Early Summer 2023 Pheasant Nesting Update

State-by-state reports from across the core pheasant range

June is go-time for ring-necked pheasants. 

Winter is way, way back in the rear-view mirror, and despite the season’s brutality across the northern parts of the pheasant range, pheasants were not obliterated from the landscape. Such is the toughness of our favorite gamebird.

And so nesting has begun. As nesting, hatching and raising broods goes, so go fall hunting prospects. Here is our state-by-state report from the core pheasant states. We’ll report again on hunting prospects, as always, at the end of summer, but wanted to give an early peak at what’s happening. 

The news is generally good. But one thing to keep an eye on will be summer moisture. While generally dry springtime conditions can be favorable to good incubating and brood rearing, continued and prolonged dry conditions can limit insect life, which is essential to feed and grow chicks. It can also affect habitat.

Here’s where we’re at. 


Coordinated By Matt Gottlob, South Dakota State Coordinator

Editor’s Note: Due to its extra in-depth nature, we placed the update for the number one pheasant state last for your perusal.

Winter Wrap-Up
Aberdeen - Winter was pretty tough up this way this year. Reports of bird fatalities in large numbers on certain tracts of land where people had walked late season hunting or shed hunting this spring.

Bon Homme, Charles Mix, Hutchinson, Yankton Counties - The winter was cold with heavy snow falls resulting in higher amounts of pheasant mortality. However, survival appears to anecdotally higher than expected with surviving pockets of adult birds being observed frequently.

Brule, Buffalo, Aurora and into Eastern Lyman Counties - The area had a long tough winter, starting with heavy snowfall and cold temperatures earlier than usual and continuing well into spring months. Luckily the pheasant population in the area was up from previous years to begin with and they seemed to find shelter belts and cattail sloughs to bring them through the winter much better than expected. Didn’t get the reports of dead pheasants in shelter belts around here as from other parts of the state and have seen quite a few roosters and hens this spring.

Brookings - The winter in the Brookings area was much like other portions of the state, with a lot of snow, wind, and ice. This combination created a challenge for all wildlife. Snow drifts filled in the small cattail sloughs, narrow tree belts and food plots, but the larger cattail sloughs and other larger blocks of winter cover provided thermal cover that was paramount for pheasant survival in a winter like we had. We had birds get through the winter.

Kennebec - Winter was tough in the South-Central part of the state with multiple day-long blizzards that resulted in around 60 inches of total snowfall. Not seeing as many pheasants this spring as in the fall, but they’re still out there where the habitat was able to get them through the winter.  

Watertown - In the Northeast the winter was pretty tough a couple of ice storms and the abundance of snow we had definitely had an effect on the birds. However with all the winter cover primarily the big cattail sloughs provided good cover and there was enough wind with the storms it seemed to keep a few spots in fields open for birds to forage. 

Woonsocket - Many landowners in the area assumed the winter was hard on pheasants but they made it through fairly well. Actually did not have a significant amount of snow; the drifting made it seem worse than it was. Most importantly, hen survival seemed very high.

Habitat Update
Aberdeen - Up to this point in the growing season the habitat is in pretty good shape, carrying lots of moisture over from winter. Although it has been very hot and dry the last 2 weeks and if that continues, will enter into a drought pretty quickly. 

Bon Homme, Charles Mix, Hutchinson, Yankton Counties - With conditions being as dry as they are, new CRP plantings aren't growing well enough to provide habitat in adequate amounts. This being the case, the birds will need to rely on habitat zones that were left undisturbed the last year.

Brule, Buffalo, Aurora and into Eastern Lyman Counties - The lack of a lot of spring rain has the nesting habitat off to a slower start than we would like but grass is coming, and hens are initiating nesting.

Brookings - Habitat conditions are off to a great start this spring. There are two sides to the winter we had. Because we had such dry conditions over the past 2 years, we needed the moisture. With the snowcover we had, habitat conditions are off to a good start, it is pretty dry in this area. Have noticed good insect and pollinator numbers, which will be crucial for chicks when broods begin hatching.

Kennebec - Habitat started out the spring growing well with some timely rains, but the rains have slowed now, and the grass seems to be stunted.  But many winter wheat fields look spectacular and are growing quite well.  We’re lucky in this area to have many acres of winter wheat so are hopeful that the birds will find those fields to nest in for the time being.  The southern reaches of my coverage area were hit was emergency haying of CRP last August and there wasn’t much regrowth throughout the rest of the fall.  

Woonsocket - Most of the habitat that is in CRP or like programs look to be ok even though the drought is taking its toll on other grasslands like pasture and hay ground. The safe nesting areas of CRP should still produce quality habitat as the native grasses and forbs can handle the stress of drought better than introduced species that make up most pasture and hay ground in this area. 

Nesting Conditions
Aberdeen - Nesting conditions are good, but we are at the point where we need to start getting some moisture. There were bugs flying around everywhere right away but have noticed a sharp decline in those since it started drying up.

Bon Homme, Charles Mix, Hutchinson, Yankton Counties - With the dry conditions, alfalfa (which can serve as a nesting source) is getting cut early because it's drying out early. This coupled with the limited new growth may make suitable nesting conditions sparse this year.

Brookings - Have yet to see any broods or hear of many broods on the ground so far, but nesting conditions are favorable for pheasants. Conditions have been pretty dry but grasslands in this area are really looking good. Everything seems to be just a little behind this year, so expect to really start seeing broods in the next week or two. There should be some good insect forage for chicks when they hit the ground.

Kennebec - Without rain, still faring well in terms of nesting conditions. Winter wheat is growing well, and Lyman County is one of the top producers of winter wheat in the state so we have that to fall back on even though our grasses may not be coming through as well. 

Watertown - Spring conditions are looking really good now, but we do need to catch a nice rain sometime soon.  

Aberdeen - Have not seen a brood yet in my area but am hearing reports of people seeing them. Overall, had a lot of birds up here this past year and there were plenty of birds that made it through the winter. Seeing birds everywhere (good or bad) over the winter and spring, still seeing them out and about now. Spring conditions had been favorable up until the last couple weeks. If we can catch some moisture and lose some of the heat, should be sitting good going into fall 2023.

Bon Homme, Charles Mix, Hutchinson, Yankton Counties - Dry weather overall isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as there is nesting habitat present and dew/moisture from arthropods for broods to survive since pheasants don't need a lot of moisture (generally speaking). In contrast, a cold wet spring can often lead to nest failure and low brood survival due to the inability to properly thermoregulate at a young age. With this in mind, there is hope for demographic maintenance if not a population increase for this upcoming year. 

Brule, Buffalo, Aurora and into Eastern Lyman Counties - Haven’t seen any broods yet. Have bumped some hens off nests in the field. Temps in the area are high and could use some rain to keep the grasses coming.

Brookings - Have not seen any broods yet, but weather conditions have been good for nesting so far. Have had a few pop-up storms with a little bit of hail but nothing major.

Kennebec - Have not observed any early hatch broods yet, but have seen some nests while out in the field.  Haven’t gotten much rain at all this spring, but on the plus side that can also mean that nests are not drowning out.  Last spring, the dryness helped a lot of broods hatch and brought on a great hunting season filling the sky with birds.  Hopefully we can see that again this fall!   

The adult winter survival rate has definitely helped numbers given the drought’s impact on brood success, but worried as the drought’s severity has increased over the last few weeks.  Was worried last year though, and it turned out to be a successful year. The cold did linger this year but not into prime nesting season.


From Todd Bogenschutz, Upland Research Biologist with Iowa DNR, as told to Josh Divan, Iowa State Coordinator for PF

Winter Wrap-Up
Winter snowfall was 30 to 50 percent above normal in the northwestern and north-central regions, but about normal to below normal in other regions. Over-winter survival of hens should have been normal to above normal in all regions, except NW and NC.

Habitat Update
Iowa has lost CRP like many other states, but overall our acres should be similar to last year. The cover looks great thus far this spring.

Regional Notes
Regional notes are always of high interest. Hunting was exceptional in the northwestern and north-central regions last fall, so hopefully this past winter didn’t knock us down in those regions; nesting success will be the key.  Bird numbers should improve in all other regions if we have favorable weather during nesting. Best hunting this coming fall will likely be across the north, and on the center of the state. 

Nesting Conditions
So far so good for nesting. It has been a cool spring but on the dry side statewide. Need to watch that.

I had my first broods reported May 24 and 25 in southern Iowa. Indications are of a good start to the nesting season. But am a bit concerned that more and more of Iowa is slipping into drought already, with almost the entire state “abnormally dry” at a minimum. If that continues and conditions stay dry, it could open up virtually all the state to emergency haying.


Read the full Pheasants Forever post for MN, ND, NE, and Montana